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Most business plans eventually end up at the table of the sales team. New customers must be persuaded and the existing one must be drastically optimized. It either happens or it doesn’t. Here too, classic techniques and tricks don’t cut it anymore. Keep doing the same thing is not the solution.

Sales people must think and act strategically and tactically. They are emotionally intelligent driven negotiators who need to persuade and kindle the enthusiasm of the right people in the right place.

We guide your sales team in this fascinating transition.


The business plan must initially be translated into a coherent and clear Strategic Sales Plan. The aim is to translate this specific plan into an action plan with measurable goals for all sales reps.

The communication of these challenging objectives alone is of course not enough. Do your employees have the required competencies? Do they have the right attitude? A gap analysis is therefore a logical first step: accurately mapping out the support that every member of the Sales Team needs.

An explosive cocktail of workshops, individual coaching, field coaching and structural changes ensures measurable improvements.

The three key words are:

  • Insight selling: not saying what the customers want to hear but inspiring them with new insights

  • Emotional intelligence: empathy and flexing of behavioural styles

  • Multi-level selling: convincing multiple conversation partners in the customer’s network.


As the Sales Management landscape is in full swing, the manager is usually also supported and coached to anchor the change processes together.

The trainer knows our company culture. He works very well with the group, picking up differences within the group and between the different groups very well too. He knows his business.
Q*For reference research Quote on competences of trainers/consultants from the Q*For reference research